In central Oregon, in the middle of nowhere, a wildly colored desert landscape hides one of the densest fossil records on earth, the John Day Fossil Beds. My entry to this secluded park was along winding valley roads through gorgeous badlands-style canyons. The paleontology center and park HQ were located across from this area.
I drove north a bit to the Blue Basin, canyons distinct in their blue-green color. I hiked first deep into the green, alien-like canyon.
Then up 800 feet and around three miles while enjoying the valley views. It felt nice to be back in the desert as happy memories of my first month of travel streamed back to my mind.
I then drove an hour east to the Painted Hills unit of the park. I found a perfect free BLM campsite at the end of the park and waited for sunset. I chatted with a very nice couple from Salem, Oregon who share this campsite, and then drove to the hills for sunset. Lovely.
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