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Day 69 - The Black Hills

A lightning strike last night had disabled the elevator at Wind Cave.  Safety regulations require the elevator to be working during tours, so I went to plan B: climb Mount Harney, the tallest peak east of the Rocky Mountains. 

An hour drive took me back to Sylvan Lake where despite 100% chance forecasts of rain, I put on my hiking gear and breezed up the 3-mile long, 1000 ft+ climb. The CCC built a castle-like stone watchtower on top of the mountain in 1933, making the final climb very memorable.  A white mountain goat at the top of the peak appeared regal and resolute but the dark clouds around ominous. I took some pics and headed back down, hoping to get down before the rain set in.  The descent route took me to the backside of the cathedral spires I saw yesterday. 

After climbing Harney, I drove an hour north to Rapid City to Meineke to get my front brakes replaced and complete my second oil change. 10,000 miles!  $427 later the van was back in good shape and I drove south along the scenic, winding Iron Mountain Highway and then Wildlife Highway to my secluded boondocking campsite in the Black Hills National Forest near Wind Cave. 1.3 million motorcycles descend on the Balck Hills every June for the Sturgis motorcycle rally!  After driving hundreds of miles around here, I can understand why.  Ohh, and baby Buffalo calves are the cutest animals ever!


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