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Day 47 - Canyonlands Island in the Sky

Canyonlands National park has three districts and today I thoroughly experienced the Grand Canyon-like vistas of the highest altitude district, properly called Island in the Sky. After arriving in Canyonlands and securing a campsite, I drove to the Green River overlook for my first "white rim" vista-- like the Grand Canyon there is a flat bench in the middle of the elevation down to the river, and here it is distinctly white-colored rock. See pic. 

Another special feature is the shape of the Island in the Sky is like a V with the Green River to the West and Colorado River to the East, the two rivers meeting in the distance south at another district-- the Needles. I would go see this confluence of rivers later in the week.

A strange geological feature called Upheaval Dime was next on the list. Upheaval Dome looks like a meteor impact crater but with salt rising out of its center.  I hiked to the viewpoint overlooking the crater and then off trail to the highest peak at the mouth of the crater. I found a nice spot with big views to sit down and read for a while. Just as I sat down, two birds buzzed me, three feet from my head, and scared the living daylights out of me. My "reading" perch.

With storm clouds closing in, I headed off trail over some ridges to intersect a loop trail going around the crater and returned safely to the van. Grand View Point at the southern tip of the Mesa was my next stop to explore, again by traveling a combination of easy off trail and easier on trail. The weather was rainy but would clear up long enough for great pictures. 

After taking in these vistas, I did some great short trails like the "white rim overlook"--best views in park, "Aztec butte"--easy climb to ancient granaries and big views, and finally the famous "Mesa arch"--an arch set on the rim famous for sunrise views of the canyon behind. 

With the sun setting quickly, I rushed out a trail nearby in search of the perfect view of the canyon set in shadow by the fading sunlight. I arrived at a comfortable overhang just in time to read more of my book as the sun set and the shadows gently fell over the valley below. 


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