Everyone who enters Carlsbad Caverns inners as a child-- exploring an unknown world that over joys and surprises the soul. I had a choice of descending to the 800 foot down Big Room by elevator or by a mile long walk down the natural entrance. I chose the natural entrance and let me say-- what an awesome experience.
You enter through a cave that thousands of bats fly out off at sunset each day. As you descend you hear the loud sounds of birds burping just inside the dark cavern. See video: http://youtu.be/Vpt4GQTCN-Y
Hidden lights reveal the vastness of this cave making it possible to navigate an otherwise hundred percent dark space. The ceiling reaches hundreds of feet above you but it feels like thousands in this dark mysterious place. I kept stopping along the way to absorb the beauty of the cavern and capture it on camera but photos in caves are tough. Here were my best shots of the descent (look for handrails going down in first shot):
I reached the Big Room, the vast twenty-football-fields sized cavern room at the main level. I then joined a tour of the King's Palace, a small chamber filled with stalagmites and stalactites, fit enough for a king. During the tour the ranger turns off all the lights in the cave and you can experience the cave experience of the first explorers: dark so dark you can't see you fingers in front of your face. Love it. Here's a pic from that part.
After the tour, I explored the Big Room, amazing at the large space and wide array of stalagmites-- ancient in formation. The walkway is paved, easy to follow and takes you around like an amusement park ride. After the Big Room, I decided to forgoe the 800 foot climb out the natural entrance and instead took the elevator up, saving my still hurting right foot. Then I drove 3.5 hours to White Sands National Monument. Pics of Big Room.
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